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We are pleased to provide a variety of resources on accounting, taxation and other related subjects that we hope will be helpful to both individuals and businesses.

Before You Click That Link…

phishing Think before you act

Statistics show that over 90% of cyber-attacks are a result of successful email phishing campaigns. Malicious attackers often take advantage of current events to tailor email messages to appear more authentic in an attempt to attract users to open and interact with the email message. With the impending election, COVID-19, and respective upcoming holidays approaching, we want to remind people to “Think, before you click the link.”

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5 Ideas for Managing Your Firm's Cash Flow


Cash is king is a common expression in business. Surprisingly though, few owners or managers take the steps needed to manage their cash flow. By ignoring it, they will sometimes find an empty bank account and nothing to pay their bills with.

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Fraud – What it is and How You Can Tell

fraud The fight against fraud starts with you

With all of the recent press about Ransomeware attacks on various companies, and publicity about people being targetted during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is timely to remind you that the fight against fraud starts with you. Learn to recognize, reject and report it.

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Business People Need to Monitor These Indicators

indicators1 Monitor These Indicators

Maintaining good financial management is crucial to a firm’s survival. Timely and informed decisions are much easier when responding to changing conditions in today’s business world.

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I need a business plan, but do I need to hire a consultant to write it?

businessplan Can I write a business plan myself

Not necessarily, but you might.

A Business Plan is a tool where management outlines what the company will do and how it plans to achieve its goals.

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Protect yourself against fraud

scam Slam the scam

Tax season scams involve fraudsters who try to dupe you into believing they represent the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). These dishonest communications try to trick you into sending either payment for an outstanding amount or personal details about you they can use to commit fraud.
Here are a few examples of the scam messages you might receive by email, a phone call or by text:

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Watch out for Scamta Claus this year!


Remember the days of writing out a whopping long Christmas list, circling a parking lot for hours on end, and tackling a stampede of feisty shoppers so you could snatch up the goodies? We do too.

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Apply Good Cybersecurity Practices at Home

cyber Good Cybersecurity Practices at Home

Often, we only think of the workplace when it comes to protecting our privacy. It seems that when we get home, it’s not as important. Homes now have an increasing number of connected devices, so protecting our family by being vigilant will bring comfort at home. Following the few tips will go a long way to protecting yourself:

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