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We are pleased to provide a variety of resources on accounting, taxation and other related subjects that we hope will be helpful to both individuals and businesses.

Claim your investment fees on your tax return

When preparing your taxes, a deduction that is often overlooked is carrying charges and interest expenses. These charges are costs you incur to earn income from an investment, but only expenses for non-registered accounts will qualify.

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5 Ideas for Managing Your Firm's Cash Flow

Cash is king is a common expression in business. Surprisingly though, few owners or managers take the steps needed to manage their cash flow. By ignoring it, they will sometimes find an empty bank account and nothing to pay their bills with.

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Tax Implications of Shareholder Loans

Shareholder loans refer to loans made by shareholders of a corporation to the corporation. The tax implications of such loans will vary depending on the jurisdiction, but usually, they are not considered taxable income to the shareholder.

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Using An RRSP as a Tax-Planning Tool

An RRSP is more than simply an account for retirement savings. Yes, it’s a must-have when saving for retirement, but the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is an effective tax-planning tool.

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Preparing Your Records For the 2022 Tax Season

Through proper planning, simplifying the process of filing your tax returns for 2022 is easily done. By taking the time to prepare your records, you can speed up the process of receiving a refund and reduce the cost of services provided by your accountant or tax preparer to meet the tax filing deadline.  

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Can I save Money on My Accounting Fees?

If you would love to say goodbye to high accounting fees, the great news is that saving money in this area is often quite easy for many business owners. The number one rule is ensuring your records are complete and organized.

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How do you pay yourself? Dividends Or Salary?

Paying yourself as a small business owner is an important decision. Determining how you do it will be very important concerning finances and taxes.

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Are Medical Expenses Tax Deductible in Canada?

With the end of the year fast approaching, we thought it would be timely to discuss the medical expense deduction on your tax return.

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Shop Local Small Business Safely

As the holiday season approaches, and with all of the news of late about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as well as the FLU season, we thought it would be good to pass along some ideas on how to stay safe while supporting small businesses.

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3 Must Knows for any Small Business

3 Must Knows for any Small Business

Whether you're considering starting a business or are already in the game, there a few things you absolutely need to know to stay competitive in today's marketplace.

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Business People Need to Monitor These Indicators

Maintaining good financial management is crucial to a firm’s survival. Timely and informed decisions are much easier when responding to changing conditions in today’s business world.

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An Overview of Canadian Sales Taxes

Our Canadian sales tax system has federal and provincial components. To simplify the differences, review each province’s tax system.

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A Tax Audit - What you Should Know

From time to time, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) audits tax returns and claims for rebates to ensure they comply with the country’s taxation laws. The objective is to ensure that taxpayers meet their obligations and receive amounts to which they are legally entitled.

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Changing Compilation Engagement Standards QnA

Who are users, and what is the Basis of Accounting?

A “user” includes anyone who would receive the compiled financial statements. Users may be shareholders, investors, creditors and lenders, government, regulators, suppliers etc.

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Changing Compilation Engagement Standards

In Canada, accounting firms are letting their clients know about the new requirement for compilation engagements. This new standard is titled the ‘Compilation Engagement Report.’ This report will contain your company’s compiled financial details.

In Canada, accounting firms are letting their clients know about the new requirement for compilation engagements. This new standard is titled the ‘Compilation Engagement Report.’ This report will contain your company’s compiled financial details.

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Deducting Vehicle Expenses as a Self-Employed Person

If you are self-employed, you may claim automotive expenses while conducting business.
If you use your car for personal and business travel, only expenses for business can be deducted. If you use it exclusively for business, you can expense all costs.

It is important to note that driving to and from the office is not deductible.

Business-related driving includes:

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  832 Hits

What Advertising Costs Can My Business Deduct?

While in the past, small business owners mostly looked to print, television or radio, flyers or attending a trade conference to get their message out, today, advertising opportunities have become almost limitless.

The older types of advertising were, and still are, difficult to gauge the direct effect of their use, and they were costly. Except for time, today, many advertising methods don’t cost anything.

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I need a business plan, but do I need to hire a consultant to write it?

Not necessarily, but you might.

A Business Plan is a tool where management outlines what the company will do and how it plans to achieve its goals.

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  813 Hits

Are Gifts Deductible Expenses?

Giving gifts to clients can be a valuable method of building goodwill and loyalty. It’s one way to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Gifts are usually given during holiday seasons, for birthdays, significant transactions or simply as a thank you. When you buy a gift for use in business, you need to know if it qualifies as a tax deduction.

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  900 Hits

What Does a CPA Do After Tax Season? Plenty!

Having survived tax season, thousands of CPAs flock to beach resorts for 11 months of relaxation, cocktails and resting on their laurels. OK, not quite.

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  861 Hits

I Can't Afford to Pay the Taxes Owed? What Can I Do?

If you can't afford to pay the taxes owing, you should file your tax return by the deadline to avoid any late-filing penalty. Once you have submitted the return, call the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regarding the payment that is due. Under some circumstances, interest and penalties can be waived. More information can be found here.

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Protect yourself against fraud

Tax season scams involve fraudsters who try to dupe you into believing they represent the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). These dishonest communications try to trick you into sending either payment for an outstanding amount or personal details about you they can use to commit fraud.
Here are a few examples of the scam messages you might receive by email, a phone call or by text:

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  814 Hits

You Might be Self-Employed If...

No doubt you have heard someone say, “I’m self-employed.” What do you think of when you do?

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Seven Things to be aware of when filing your taxes

Use our Tax Information Checklist

To start gathering your income tax details, click here to download our checklist. This will help you organize your information to bring into our office.

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Keep more of your money by Income Splitting

Keep more of your money by Income Splitting

Earning more than your spouse can create a situation where moving some of your income can reduce your combined taxes. Consider using these methods

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Do you qualify for the Disability Tax Credit?

The Government of Canada offers a variety of tax benefits to people with disabilities. These benefits are provided under the assumption that people with disabilities will have unavoidable, additional expenses that other taxpayers do not face. The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is intended to act as a fairness measure for people with disabilities and their families.

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  858 Hits

RRSP or TFSA? Which One is Best?

Continuing on with the discussion about TFSA's and RRSP's, we consider which one is best.

There is no single answer. It is not an either-or situation. Both plans have tax advantages, but some are greater than others, so it depends on your financial situation. You can use both plans if you have the capital to do so.

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  888 Hits

A Business Plan - You can’t afford to be without one!

Plan for overall success - Not just for financing

Your business plan is as much of a road map of where you are going as it is to provide the information a lender will require before advancing funds to meet your needs. It serves both internal and external guidance. Internally, it will assist you in managing cash flow, capital expenditures and periodic issues. It is your crystal ball to guide your firm’s future. Externally it may include those who could be a part of your financial requirements, investors, a bank or your suppliers.

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Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Chances are you’ve heard about the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). These accounts work harmoniously to enhance your finances through tax deductions, no tax, or other benefits. The sooner you open these accounts, the sooner they can help you towards your life’s goals.

It’s important to know the particular benefits of these accounts for various goals you may have.

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The 2022 tax filing season starts in February

The 2022 tax filing season starts in February. The filing deadline is May 2nd, as April 30th falls on a Saturday. The deadline is June 15th for self-employed individuals or anyone with a spouse/partner who is self-employed.

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  945 Hits

Advanced Planning Helps Simplify The Tax Process

As the new year starts, simplifying your tax filing process can be easily done by planning. When you take the time to prepare, it can speed up the process of receiving a refund, not to mention reducing the cost of services provided by your CPA as they get things done to meet the tax filing deadline.  

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Business & Personal Accounting Tips at Christmas

This season is one of the most important times of the year when thinking about finances. People are either out or shopping online, and businesses everywhere generally hire more people. Even in these COVID-aware times, parties can happen, and presents are usually given. In spite of all the hustle and bustle, smart people will consult their accountant so that they're prepared. Here are some tips for the holidays.

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Watch out for Scamta Claus this year!

Remember the days of writing out a whopping long Christmas list, circling a parking lot for hours on end, and tackling a stampede of feisty shoppers so you could snatch up the goodies? We do too.

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How to Stay Ahead of the CRA

Small business owners and the self-employed start every year from groups like the semi-retired, up-and-coming entrepreneurs and those just wanting to follow their dreams. As you start down the road, don’t make the mistake of not staying in line with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Here are some important tips to follow:

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Apply Good Cybersecurity Practices at Home

Often, we only think of the workplace when it comes to protecting our privacy. It seems that when we get home, it’s not as important. Homes now have an increasing number of connected devices, so protecting our family by being vigilant will bring comfort at home. Following the few tips will go a long way to protecting yourself:

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  1188 Hits

Details Your Accountant Needs To File Your Business Tax Return

Take control of your small business taxes by gathering your information in advance. By being organized, you will help your accountant save you time and money when you file. Follow these points:

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Independent Contractor vs Employee – Which is Which?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will use detailed guidelines to determine whether someone working for you is an independent contractor or an employee. It is important that you understand the difference and classify that person correctly, otherwise the difference could have a hugely negative impact on your taxes.

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Before You Click That Link…

Statistics show that over 90% of cyber-attacks are a result of successful email phishing campaigns. Malicious attackers often take advantage of current events to tailor email messages to appear more authentic in an attempt to attract users to open and interact with the email message. With the impending election, COVID-19, and respective upcoming holidays approaching, we want to remind people to “Think, before you click the link.”

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  1007 Hits


When trying to rectify the past, volunteering the details may help you avoid penalties, interest and the most important thing, criminal prosecution.

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  1009 Hits

Fraud – What it is and How You Can Tell

With all of the recent press about Ransomeware attacks on various companies, and publicity about people being targetted during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is timely to remind you that the fight against fraud starts with you. Learn to recognize, reject and report it.

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  916 Hits

Do I Need Both Personal and Business Tax Returns?

That depends on whether your business is incorporated or not. 

If you are incorporated, you will have to submit a T2 Corporate Tax Return for your company. That only covers your company; you will also have to file a T1 personal tax return.

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  1006 Hits

Do you do your own taxes?

Do you consider yourself a DIY type of person?

How about the office worker who can help their neighbour with a computer problem or can cook a gourmet meal for a group of 10 at the drop of a hat? All this, in addition to being able to keep his workplace organized. You probably know people like that who display genius in many areas, on demand. Good for them; they can be treasures when you need a friend as they can sometimes save you money.

We don’t want to downplay the importance of such a helpful person, but some things in life require the skills of a trained professional. Does the phrase, “A Man Who Is His Own Lawyer Has a Fool for a Client” come to mind? Evaluating complex legal issues requires specific expertise.

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Tax Planning - Start Now to Create Wealth

Engaging in tax planning from the beginning of the year means that you can enjoy the benefits at tax time.

Tax planning is the broad concept of tax efficiency. Tax efficiency considers the larger financial picture incorporating individual age, goals, tolerance for risk and investment timeline. By incorporating tax planning, you uphold long-term wealth creation and protect your capital.

The beginning of the year is the best time to start to plan for tax savings. But, unfortunately, last-minute tax planning leads to lower returns and bad investments.

To understand the various tax-saving opportunities and ensure that you are headed in the most appropriate direction, consult with a professional and take suitable action to reap the benefits.

  967 Hits

The Importance of reporting ALL income from information slips

Many people assume that if they fail to include an information slip with their income tax return, the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") will simply adjust the return to report the income and adjust the income tax accordingly. This is half correct! The other half of the equation is a little-known penalty the CRA imposes for repeated failure to report in...

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  1026 Hits